Personal Image provides a range of vein treatments for helping to deal with problem veins. The treatment required will depend on whether your vein issue is superficial or deeper.
Laser Treatments for Veins
This involves using one of the top of the range lasers to remove any undesirable veins.
Coolglide Nd Yag 1064nm Laser
This method uses a specific wavelength to convert heat which cauterizes the veins. The heat energy is converted and selectively scattered where red pigment is present.
Linear cautery – the blood vessels are interrupted along its path and thereby its own supply of nutrients and oxygen are depleted. A surgitron machine uses high frequency radio waves rather than electricity and is more precise and less painful than older and previous treatments. There is no real downtime and most people return to work immediately.
For more information or to book a consultation to treat your veins with sclerotherapy, contact us on (09) 377 6568 or email